Saturday, February 7, 2009

His Highness got it wrong

One would have expected a more judicious decision from a former Lord President, our former King and a respected statesman, this decision does not represent the wishes of the people, in a democracy that is of paramount importance and as head of the state that should have been what was to be delivered.

His highness has had two options, one to send the whole issue back to the state assembly for a vote of confidence or no confidence which ever way it is put and the other is to accede to the request of the Menteri Besar to dissolve the assembly and call for a State election.

The question is which of the two options does does the King choose?

It is his prerogative but the Constitution could have made things easier by giving him only one course of action then why did it give him two? To confuse the issue?

No, but to ensure that whichever decision he makes it has to safeguard the wishes of the people, the rakyat.

The members of the state assembly were not voted because of their personalities, but because of the parties they represent, so in the final analysis that should remain intact, and if HRH believes that there may be a change of heart of the electorate then he dissolves the Assembly.

If he has reason to believe, any reason at all that the state assembly persons are only interested in their own personal agendas and not that of the electorate that voted them, and if in pursuit of this own interest they would vote with the opposition to knock out the incumbent state Government he must dissolve the state assembly and allow the people to decide what they want as is very clearly the case here, it is not what the state assemblymen want but what the electorate have expressed through the ballot box that matters and needs to be safeguarded at all costs.

If on the other hand this is because there is a matter of competency, where the Menteri Besar is incompetent for the job, is finding it difficult to get on with tasks at hand lacking the cooperation of his own team,and has sought the permission of the ruler to dissolve the assembly to seek a new mandate for himself, and in his opinion the Ruler is satisfied that both sides of the assembly will vote for his removal then it goes to the assembly for a vote of no confidence. This wills ave the peoples money and time.

In this case the issues are clear, all the assembly persons were given a mandate by the respective electorate, they were required to serve the electorate on the ticket with which they secured their seats, and here two of them have been charged with corruption, (I believe the charges were trumped up, to force them out of office to secure a by election and take back the state, with these charges hanging over them, they would easily succumb), then there is the case of the crippled DAP assemblywoman who was given the position of deputy speaker, she represents not only the DAP, but more importantly women and the disabled, and she publicly claimed she left because she was treated badly as she did not receive a Toyota Camry, the DAP has to take some accountability for the appointment of this opportunist, clearly a political prostitute.

In light of all this evidence the Sultan should have rightfully sent the mandate back to the people by dissolving the assembly, so that the people could decide and the people could have their voices heard.

The two choices are laid out not for an "ini mini miynee more" choice but for a judicial choice, and the Ruler should have made the choice after due consideration taking the wishes of the electorate into account first not the party who by means so apparent secured a dubious majority.

I really do not know what fate awaits Karpal for standing up and challenging the decision, but to Karrpal I say it takes a really brave person to have done that and that I am proud of you sir.

To Najib I say this is the hollowest of all or any victory you have had in your life, you really do not have any true victory of your own in you political life to talk about, and that this victory will cost you and cost you dearly, it is the beginning of your demise from the political scene and the curse that will send UMNO to the rubbish dumps of history.


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