Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Law for You and the Law for Them

A very prominent politician in the process of seeking high office has a son in England.
All you have to do is to surf the web and you'll see pictures of his son with girls, not just one girl but many girls. The ladies are definitely not in baju kurong and tudongs, they are in low neck dresses and really look chic.

Now the question is; Do you see anything wrong in that? Some of these pictures have been circulated in the emails recently, so what the boy is a boy, who gives a damn of who is father is, he is a boy and he's doing what comes naturally to boys his age, flirting with girls.


Right!!!!! yes but something is wrong.

What the heck is wrong? Ya what's wrong.

What is wrong is this boy is rich enough to be overseas, in England probably, so he's out of reach of our "moral and religious Police" and so free from harms way.
He like many other rich who have the means and the opportunity to do this can go ahead and do this with all immunity, whilst poorer boys back home are caught, their girlfriends too are caught and even abused by these so called "moral and religious police" an as usual this UMNO led government lacks the courage to put a stop to this.

I am not picking on the son of this Politician, I pick on the politician himself, who is alleged to have an eye for women and although he sits on that lofty seat up high and seeks even higher a seat will not be able to curtail the activities of these "moral police."

This Minister was in the UK too at one time and it is said had his time as well, he's back now and is about to head a government that does not tolerate boys kissing girls in the park, or even in the privacy of their own homes, and the sad thing is that his son will return, and in all probability become a minister and maybe even a Prime Minister and continue with the strengthening of these Moral standards, whils t his own son keps out of harms way in a foreign land.

In reality they have two sets of laws, one for the rich kids, it is the English, European or American Laws, and the other is the Malaysian Law for the poorer Malay boys, so take your pick, because even if you are poor, and you know how to do your UMNO work you'll be able to land a scholarship to a foreign land for your child, and if you belong to PAS or PKR or even are not an UMNO member or just and ordinary UMNO member your child is doomed to be a victim at home.

That is just but one of the aspects of corruption in UMNO.

Frankly Xroy

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