Monday, September 29, 2008

This Eid Set them Free

"Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin"

"Happy Eid, Forgive my physical and emotional wrongdoings" that is what "Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin" means.

On this auspicious day Muslims the world over celebrate the end of fasting, the night before is referred to as takbir and it is on takbir that the Prime Minister makes his Hari Raya Address.

On this very important Malaysian holiday in true Malaysian spirit the people of this cosmopolitan country visit each other and celebrate in the true Malaysian spirit. It is a popular saying in Malaysia, that your Raya is my Raya as well because we all celebrate it together with our Muslim friends.

It is traditional for our Prime Minister to hold an open house, the various leaders of the opposition parties hold open houses too on this occasion.

It is a splendid occasion for the Prime Minister in true spirit of the Raya to free all those prisoners of conscience who have been jailed under the ISA on this day,and promise the rakyat that this piece of legislation will be reviewed.

It is 'Eid mubarak "a blessed 'Eid", that is the greeting in many Islamic countries.

This is an occasion for compassion, this is an occasion for forgiveness, it is an occasion for celebration, and let him lend meaning to the words "Maaf Zahir dan Batin"

Ps. Known Prisoners of Conscience; Raja Petra Kamaruddin, The HINDRAF leaders, and more not so popular detainees, set them free, at your speech on takbir and let us celebrate a great festival in a great way.

"Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin"

Frankly Xroy

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