Friday, October 10, 2008

Mahathir, Abdullah and Najib (MAN)

"Najib is the last of the RAHMAN equation, it has always been held in UMNO circles that the succession will be such that the first six prime ministers names will begin with the alphabet of the name Rahman, the name of the first Agung or even the first Prime Minister and this would be in succession, this they believed was not ordained, it was a pact, Musa may be able to shed some light here if there is any truth in it, and that is why it is said that Anwar had to get out, he was not in this pact, he was an outsider.

Musa was supposed to be the M in this equation, but had to go because the position of deputy PM was given to Mahathir who eventually became PM, by Hussein Onn (who was also not part of the plot Harun Idris should have filled that)even against his best judgment, becasue it is said he promised Razak who wanted Mahathir instead of Musa, this was clearly against the Tengku's choice of a young Musa when the plan was hatched.

The intial part of the jigsaw saw, Abdul Razak, Harun Idris, Musa Hitam after that it was to be handed down to the generations of selected elite and their children, Anwar did not fit that elite." So now we have Abdul Razak, Hussein Onn, Mahathir Mohammed (Musa Hitam) Abdullah Badawi(Anwar Ibrahim)and Najib Tun Razak the son of Tun Abdul Razak the man who gave Mahathir life in politics. Will the next be a Mahathir selection or a Najib selection? Remember what Abdullah said on retirement, "I am the last of the Razak generation of ministers to have held this post" the next generation takes over and how aptly so, the son of Razak himself. Razak's next generation.

Mahathir Mohammed after announcing his desire to quit, after crying together with Rafidah Aziz on stage (the famous picture taken at the famous UMNO general assembly in 2002, and after being persuaded to stay on for another eighteen months before handing over the reins of power to an ill prepared and less than suitable Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, had the Malaysians sighing a sigh of relief, because Abdullah who although not as dynamic and not so suitable was seen by Malaysians as a breath of fresh air and an end to a tyrannical reign), had made a pledge not to interfere with the running of the country by Abdullah. We all know what Mahathir's word is worth now.

This may go on to explain why Mahathir got rid of all succession in the cabinet, he wanted to ensure that Najib became PM, to do that he had to wipe out all credible successors.

A leader like Anwar would have "bunkused" the likes of Abdullah and Najib like he did the late Ghaffar Baba and Mahathir would have none of that, he had a need for Najib to take the seat, he wanted to continue to be in control.

After Abdullah's appointment as PM the tyranny of his (Mahathir's) rule would then be exposed in bits and pieces (Lingam case amongst others) and even whilst it was being exposed the tyrant arose and announced that he will not rest till he gets Badawi out of office, which he successfully did by his political maneuverings.

If the opposition fared well in the 2008 elections they must give a huge portion of that credit to Mahathir Mohammed who by then had successfully convinced a good portion of UMNO members that he Badawi was useless and that they had to go for the opposition.

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has to take a big part of that blame too, he failed to lock Mahathir up under the ISA. If it were Mahathir he would have done it to Badawi, but then Abdullah Ahmad Badawi lacked the ..... (Courage? no there is another word I am told it has something to do with tennis or for that matter any ball game).

After all the campaigning to get rid of Abdullah and instructing Najib to go for him and not getting a response from Najib in the process, the branded Najib a coward, and began soliciting others others in UMNO to do it. Now all of a sudden he has chosen to back Najibteh "coward", suddenly Najib is OK, remember he had planned for Najib to take over all the time, he had a plan, because he did claim that there was an "understanding that Najib would take over" which Abdullah denied.

Why Najib? Why was Najib singled out, anything could happen after Pak Lah, a good many other leaders could have emerged, why was Najib so important to him?

It goes back a long way, first it is a father and son issue, Razak gave Mahathir life, political life after the Tengku sacked him from UMNO, now Mahathir will give the same to Najib, not for free, not like Razak did for him, but in return for a lot of other issues too that is only privy to both Najib and Mahathir, after all this Mamak still controls all UMNO and we have seen how he does it. Right nowI am not sure if he is an UMNO member in the first place.

What happens after Najib? Is there to be a plan to ensure that the elite continue in a dynastic fashion, after all they are all lined up in the party right now, there is Hishamuddin Hussein the son of Hussein Onn and the grandson of Onn bin Jaafar, there is Mukhriz Mahathir, Harun Idris's children have all been taken out, Musa's are not there too, so it is going to be a "round robin" amongst the RazaKs, the Mahathirs, and Onn clan?

Right now Mahathir is the Godfather of the clan, and will this godfather run the country by proxy ...God forbid.

So Malaysians beware, if Mukhriz takes the UMNO youth post and Najib becomes PM, unless Najib can hold his own, which is very unlikely.

When Mahathir talks he reminds me of a saying behind a Septic Tank Truck, "Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises."

For Najib to hold his own he has to come out and really clear his name, instead of keeping RPK locked up under the ISA he has to sue RPK for all its worth to prove that he has nothing to hide in the Altantuya case, because with that case hanging over him he really cannot be allowed to hold the post of Prime Minister of this country. The only other option left to him is to step down.

The name of the nation is sacred, the pride of the nation belongs to its people and this pride cannot be trampled upon neither can it seem to be trampled upon by anyone.

Frankly Xroy

I just remembered and am rather surprised that no one in the press or any politician for that matter has commented on this statement made by teh Sarawak Chief Minister as quoted in Malaysiakini,
'Taib’s initial reaction to the reports on the protest by the Kadayan-Malay landowners surprised many as he was quoted by local newspapers as saying then that if the landowners wanted to play rough with him, he was ready to do the same with them, adding that whether they liked it or not, here in Sarawak “I am the government”. '

if this is indeed what he said then may I add that this is what happens to those who stay in power for far too long as Mahathir did, and as Taib himself has done in Sarawak, they feel they own the Government and now it is manifested in Taib's statement. Correction Mr. Chief Minister You are only the Chief Minister and not the Government.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Now for the UMNO Elections

All the predictions were wrong, well it was UMNO and the common perceptions of common sense, do not prevail when it comes to UMNO.

So Badawi has decided to go, he's thrown in the towel, but has he really buried the hatchet?

He has said,""At some point I will have to hand over to my successor," then went on further to say that he hoped the successor would be Najib, so from now on Najib is not the annointed successor.

Both Najib and Muhyuddin will be making statements tomorrow, would they be pairing up or would Muhyuddin be announcing his willingness to stand for the Presidency.

Ali Rustam who has indicated his desire to go for the number 2 post has sounded his support for Najib will he be Najib's running mate and if he is to be the running mate, then what does Muhyuddin do? All the polls on this blog show no support for Najib becoming the next PM but then this is no UMNO blog.

Razaleigh has to go on full drive if he intends to shake up Najib, Najib on the other hand seems rather relaxed and quite confident of being elected the next President of UMNO and subsequently being appointed PM of Malaysia.

This piece of report from "Malaysiakini" is rather confusing,"Nevertheless, it is possible that Abdullah may continue to serve as premier for a few more months despite no longer being Umno president" it makes little or no sense, why after hurrying him up is anyone going to let him stay on for a few more months?

Now that Abdullah has thrown in the towel let the the business of governing begin, he has said he wants to get on with his promises, that is exactly what he has to do, get on with it and get over with it fast.

If he gets rid of the ISA he will forever be remembered in the history of this land, if he doesn't he'll be forgotten as soon as he steps down, or for the wrong reasons.

Frankly Xroy

Monday, October 6, 2008

He is going for Broke !!!!!

All eyes will now be focused on Badawi and his decision in the next one or two days, and judging from what is happening it is going to be a Battle Roayle. Fasten your seat belts this is going to be on rough ride.

Muhyiddin's running mate
The latest entry from Johor, Pulai MP Nur Jazlan Mohamad is seen as Muhyiddin Yassin's insurance. If Abdullah decides to go for broke as expected, Muhyiddin will enter himself for the race of the Presidency and he will not be short of support to do so, the majority of the Johor Divisions will support him, Badawi is expected to get good support from Negeri Sembilan, Selangor (from Mohammed Taib's factions), and Penang with a smattering from Perak, Kedah.

Najib is on thin ice
Najib is unlikely to contest Pa Lah if he decides to go in, and that will result in a three cornered fight between Dollah, Muhyiddin and Razaleigh. Najib's factions will then be forced to throw their weight behind Razaleigh, because Najib will not want to play second fiddle to Muhyiddin. That is why Muhyiddin has refused to comment on his position right now. Najib will partner Tengku Razaleigh on the assurance that KU LI will hand over after one term. Whatever it is Najib now walks on thin ice, and it is mighty thin.

Jamal Mohamad will make the right running mate for Muhyiddin, he is young and his ambitions can be put on hold, for Muhyiddin to enjoy a sufficiently long tenure as President and Prime Minister.

I did talk about Rais Yatim and today Malaysiakini in an article has expressed similar sentiments. The real kingmaker at the end will be the UMNO information chief - Mohammed Taib, although there is speculation he may step in it is quite unlikely, if he really intended to he would have done it a long time ago, but now Abdullah is banking on his support and it is very likely he has got it.

Reading Between the lines
The strongest hint that Abdullah intends to go for broke is in today's Malaysiakini article "Abdullah to decide within two days" in which he is quoted as saying, “I know that Zaid Ibrahim is not with us any more. That does not mean everything has to stop. It’s not his idea, anyway, it was mine. It was in the 2004 (election) manifesto, remember? I must make good my promises. I must deliver,”

If he must deliver he must stay, and to stay he must contest, this UMNO battle is to become Battle Royale, and going by any count most decent UMNO members want an end to the ruling dynasties, the Mahathir clan, The Razak Clan, and the Onn Jaffar clan, they want people who do not have baggage to carry forward, they want clean men of honour to lead the party and stop the disease that has eroded it over the years especially during the Mahathir years.

If Abdullah decides to test strength by offering himself for the Presidency, Najib is gone, with the current line ups Najib is gone, for Najib to stand for Deputy will almost be unthinkable especially if Muhyiddin decides to go for the Presidency.

Brace yourself for Battle Royale, and whlist it goes on the country will still remain mismanaged.

Frankly Xroy

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Nation Hijacked

The entire Malaysian Nation has been hijacked by one party and that is UMNO. The leadership of the party believes that it owns the country and all other opinions, or rights do not matter.

The present government is supposed to be a coalition of several parties besides UMNO, several of them are Bumiputra based parties from East Malaysia, and they have all been hijacked too by UMNO.

This country is ruled by UMNO and not the Barisan Government as we are made to believe, open your eyes and take a look its an UMNO run country, it is no democracy, for whenever there is dissent, or if there is trouble brewing in UMNO itself it will find reason to lock up innocent Malaysians from outside UMNO under the Internal Security Act, as it is doing now and has done in the past.

The day will never come, if UMNO continues to rule, that an East Malaysian, Dayak, Kadazaan, Iban, Penan or for that matter even an orang Asli will ever become the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Indians and the Chinese via the toothless representation of the MCA and the MIC are nothing but silent observers and have absolutely no say in determining who the Prime Minister of this country should be. .

The recent revelation of the contracts for the second Hydro Dam in Sarawak, shows how the rights of East Malaysians are sold lock, stock and barrel to UMNO not the Federal Government, for it is UMNO and only UMNO that decides, there is no collective governance, the cabinet is nothing but a group of puppets on a string and their acts are directed by the puppeteers of UMNO.

The current succession of leadership in UMNO will determine who the next Prime Minister is to be, and no one other than UMNO will determine this, not the MCA for all its worth, not the MIC, not PBS, not SUPP, and the hosts of Sarawak and Sabah parties.

Mahathir Mohammed once took offence when Jeffrey Kitingan asked the question if an East Malaysian will ever become Prime Minister of this country? I think Jeffery Its time to ask again.

It is quite impossible to fathom that any of the Kitingan brothers and many more Malaysians like them will ever make Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Honestly Pairin is a disappointment not only to Kadazaans but to all Malaysians alike,he is a Malaysian leader and must start behaving like one, for him to allow UMNO to determine the future of the country without any consultation, and without even considering an East Malaysian for the position,as it is about time an East Malaysian of unblemished standing be allowed the position so that hey too can have a hand a meaningful role in determining the direction of this country.

For that matter even the position of Chief of Armed forces, the Chief of Police, the Judiciary are all Malays positions, the East Malaysians are all sidelined, all other Malaysians are sidelined, Eusoffee Chin being an exception and what an exception.

Citizenship is given freely to foreigners, it is taken away from legitimate Malaysians also at the whims and fancies of Government officials, the very fabric of the East Malaysian Society is under siege, and until and unless their "leaders" decide to act now, nothing will happen.

The East Malaysians must cross over, to Pakatatan, they can hold sway, they can determine the strength of Government of this Nation, the West will have to change and consider the East for power,and the East can really rule let us have this change, make the move and let us change.

The Prime Minister of this country is being determined not by the Government of the day, (if ever we have one) but by a party and all other Malaysians can only sit by and watch as UMNO determines this. So who runs this country, the Government (BN) or UMNO. If the East Malaysians decide that they have to do something about it and cross over UMNO will fall and it will spell a new dawn for this Nation of ours.

Frankly Xroy