Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Longest Day - Malaysia

The Longest Day

Victory does not come easy, real victory takes a bit longer and there are heartaches, there is pain, there is anguish, there is fear, there is anxiety, but what keeps everything going, is the faith in the people we trust and hope.

Yes hope.

Are we in for a change of Government?
I believe we are, why only this morning in a discussion with my colleagues I told them it had to take some time because a smooth transition is a must.

If you are dealing with a Government that is known to shred documents, burn files etc. one has to be cautious, so there must be dialogue and understanding before one surrenders and the other accepts victory.

Anwar Ibrahim has the majority he requires, we would not want this desperate Government to go about locking up innocent Members of Parliament under the ISA, or perhaps, send them to space this time on a 'space exploration mission' - now don't laugh, this government is capable doing anything and of telling any kind of lie.

They lied to us about a simple thing as the date that Parliament would be dissolved prior to the last elections.

The Minister of home affairs has told us that the journalist Ms. Tan who was detained under the ISA, yes, was detained under the ISA for her own security?

Then the Actiing Chief of Police has told us that they are holding Theresa Kok and Raja Petra Kamaruddin as they have not completed their investigations?

What idiotic excuses from the Home Minister and his Police chief, do you need to detain a person under the ISA for protection?

Do you arrest and hold people after investigating the case or before you have completed your investigations, the acting police chief has now by his own admission admitted detaining people under the ISA on mere romours.

Why was Toyo not been detained? A committee member of the Damansara mosque has even lodged a Police report against him, and an official of the Puchong Mosque has denied any involvemnt of Theresa in the Mosque issue if ever there was one. Yet Toyo who began this ruckus runs free, its the way the UMNO brass in the Police force serve their masters, masters and would be masters, who have their eyes on important positions in the party. The youth wing of UMNO has always been known to be radical in its outlook and aspirants for the top posts normally go on Chinese bashing to win support, this is a historical truth and Toyo is an aspirant for that position.

This UMNO is capable of anything, they will not batter an eyelid for anything. They can do anything and blame it on others, they have, and just now too, Ahmad Ismail has become a hero and the journalist who did her job a villain, so too for Toyo and Theresa Kok becomes the victim, they can't face up to the truth hence the ISA for Raja Petra, this will never end unless this government is kicked out of office, they have lost their moral right to rule.

Even as I write I have received a sms stating that the list of the 33 defecting MPs is to be handed to the King.

So let us hope and pray, as long as there is faith there will be hope.

Long live Malaysia
